Friday, November 9, 2012

Oh how far a photo will go... Burt's Bees Contest

Early September I saw a Facebook post from Burt's Bees asking their fans to submit a photo "Raising Your Burts." Being the HUGE fan of Burt's Bees that I am, what they say, I do (Ok not literally, but you get the idea).

I've been a fan of Burt's Bees since my aunt LuAnn gave me my first BB lip balm in my Christmas stocking years and years ago. As I grew up, I fell in love with the brand even more because of their commitment to not test on animals, and use only natural products. This solidified my love affair with this brand. 

There were a handful of categories with which you could submit your photo. I chose to highlight my hens and the social issue they stand for. Not only do I support local, sustainable farms, but I also strongly oppose animal testing. My hens are treated humanely and supply my friends and family with "healthy, happy" eggs. 

So I grabbed the bowl of scratch (AKA Chicken Crack) and plopped the nearest tube of Burt's Bees in the middle. With the girls being as dramatic as they are, this was the only way I'd be able to get a shot of them together by the BB lip balm. Feed 'em chicken crack, and they will do whatever you want.

I submitted the photo and that was that. Done. Didn't think anything of it, didn't expect anything to come of it. I thought of it as a fun way to show my support and boast about my lovely hens!

6 weeks later... I get a call from Burt's Bees. I was chosen as 1 of the top 40 semifinalist! Say what!? I won 100 tubes of PERSONALIZED BB lip balms. Guess what you all are getting for Christmas :) 

The next step in the contest was to create a short video showing why I love BB! This normally would be a breeze for me since I do video editing all the time for the SPCA. HOWEVER, it happened to be on a very busy week for me, and we were leaving for a family reunion that weekend. Sigh. So Kyle and I managed to find one evening where we could rush home before it got too dark, and quick throw together a video. It was VERY impromptu and rushed. I hated having to rush it but that was the only way I could have a shot of moving on in the competition. I'm glad we did it.

I was chosen as a finalist. Top 3 in the country, out of over 850 submissions! 

The next 2 weeks were the longest two weeks of my life. The public was asked to vote for their favorite video! Uggg, I shared my video on FB everyday, and told all my friends, family and co-workers to vote for me!

They even posted my photo on their FB page, to over 1.3 MILLION fans!

Thursday, November 1 was the day I was supposed to find out if I won or not. I held my breath all day. Literally. I got mad at people who called me that day because they weren't BB! It was mind numbing, and it reminded me why I hate competition! I have always said that I was the 'least competitive person out there' and this proved it. But I had gone this far, I really wanted to win.

About 4pm that day we got an email saying they weren't going to know... until Monday! Words cannot express how upset I was. I know what it is like to not breathe for 5 days straight. Longest. Weekend. Of. My. Life.

Finally, Monday afternoon at 4PM I had enough. I was so sick of holding my breath... I needed to email my contact at BB with a friendly follow up. My stomach couldn't take the anticipation any longer. A few minutes later I got a call. I didn't win. BUT they are still going to feature me in a BB ad campaign! I wasn't too upset. I was just glad the competition was done. PLUS since I'm local and such a huge fan, they still invited me down to the company factory for a tour and lunch! How sweet is that? I told them that THAT would mean the world to me :)

Tomorrow, Saturday, the contest creator is stopping at the house to scout the place out for the photo shoot! How exciting! I will give you an update and let you know where we go from here!