It started off as a normal day. As soon as the alarm went off, I sent my Kyle out to check for a new egg (it was his turn to feel the excitement I felt yesterday, plus it was a ploy to buy me a couple extra minutes in bed)! I am not a morning person. He came in telling me that Drama Queen Jolene was hanging out in the nesting box, but no egg. Deciding we'd check back later, we ate some breakfast, and took Big D out to the dog park for an hour.
We were both eager to check on the girls when we got home. Kyle went ahead and checked... and sure enough! There was another egg. We were both so excited! As he cleaned it off and placed it in the refrigerator I gave the girls some scratch and gently stroked their soft, soft feathers.

Pointing out the irony of our predicament, we both had a good laugh at the situation. Then it dawned on me that my three hens were free-ranging outside- alone (being the over-protective hen keeper that I am, and the fact that our neighborhood dogs are also "free range," leaving my little flock unattended is very frightening). I could hear them clucking and "BaGAOKing" happily outside... so I managed to keep my thoughts on the up and up, and stay positive. We did have chicken feed, and scratch mixed with dry oatmeal in the barn if we needed sustenance... so I wasn't worried.

We were locked in for a good 'bout of time, which wasn't too bad. It could have been much worse. But tonight we'll be ringing in the New Year outside the barn, and fixing the lock latch to avoid future less-humorous "catastrophes."
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