It all began with three backyard hens; Mother Clucker, Little Shy Ruby and Drama Queen Jolene. These are the three that started it all! Purchased on my birthday from a tiny, rural farm in Central North Carolina. I brought the three home and placed them in my coop. About two years later, we adopted Moxie and Hype Girl to our flock and the rest is history...
Mother Clucker
Pecking Order Ranking: #2
Celebrity look-a-like: Joan Rivers
Favorite quote: "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company" Mark Twain
Clucker ruled the roost for quite some time. She fought her way to the top of the pecking order, thus receiving the title "Mother Clucker." Though she has a very strong opinion, and is revered by the others in my flock, she is a great leader. Clucker is my go-to hen for visitors and intro to hen virgins... and recently I brought her in for a "Chickens 101" at the SPCA. She is a rockstar with confidence, comedy and a whole lotta heart.
"Drama Queen" Jolene

Pecking Order Ranking: #3
Celebrity look-a-like: Kim Kardashian
Favorite Book: The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
Drama Queen Jolene, where do I start with this plucky little hen. Ranking #3 in the pecking order, she's gorgeous and she knows it. She'll strut her stuff and let you know a thing or two about it. The name started out as simply Jolene. She was named after the folk song by Dolly Parton. I was driving home with my newly purchased pullets in a carrier in the backseat when the song came on my Pandora station. I knew it would be a perfect name for one of the hens. The name stayed... then it was improved upon as we got to know each other. Whenever Jolene is picked up she throws a fit as in she's being tortured, corporal cuddling. The first thing in the morning, when the coop is opened she will bolt out of the coop as if she was running for her life. Thus the nickname "Drama Queen" came about.
Little Shy Ruby
Pecking Order Ranking: #5
Celebrity Look-a-like: Drew Barrymore
Favorite Movie: Sleepless in Seattle
Ruby-roo is my quiet little observer. She ranks the lowest on the pecking order, though don't tell her that. Ruby doesn't complain much, she just asks for the basic necessities. When the treats come out she sits in the back and waits her turn, and kicks the gravel below her feet. Ruby has the quietest little "coos" and "churps" of all the girls. I don't know if I've ever heard her raise her voice. Ruby-doo loves to chase moths in the summer. She's got a keen eye... in fact those higher on the pecking order are known to let Ruby to the hunting, then they'll sweep to reap the benefits. I always make sure to give Ruby a little extra scratch or table scraps when the others aren't looking.
Pecking Order Ranking: #1
Celebrity Look-a-like: Wanda Sykes
Vacation of Choice: The Playboy Suite- Palms Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Moxie, Moxie, Moxie... where do I start? She is the leader of the flock. She's got gumption, tenacity, spunk and a whole lotta attitude! Moxie was the first to venture over to our coop from the neighbor's flock. She wondered in, butted Clucker out of her #1 ranking in the pecking order and made herself at home. Moxie is loud, proud and ready to rumble in the jungle. She come running to greet you as soon as you step outside. With a 'tude like hers, a little charisma goes a long way! Moxie's a very smart hen. She knows where to dig for the juicy bugs and she doesn't mind sharing her treasures with the rest... as long as she gets her fill first, that is. Love this little girl, she's got a rockstar attitude with a side of charm!
Hype Girl
Pecking Order Ranking: #4
Celebrity Look-a-like: Jennifer Aniston
Favorite Board Game: Anything that Moxie wants to play
Hype Girl's name describes her best. She is Moxie's Hype Girl. Anything that Moxie wants to do, Hype Girl wants to do. She's here to attend to Moxie's every command. Hype Girl adores Moxie, every step Moxie takes Hype Girl is right behind her. It's a funny relationship. The first photo above pretty much describes their relationship. Where ever Moxie is, Hype Girl can't be far behind. Both the Speckled Sussex's are excellent foragers. They tend to wander more than the Brahmas. But these two ladies are never far apart. They can be spotted foraging through deep leaves with their speckled, fluffy bloomers high in the sky.
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