Today is day 50 of 2014.
My New Year's Resolution is to take a photo everyday of something I am grateful for. So far It. Has. Been. A. Blast.

There have been times that I've woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and was just "Blah" all day. I find myself at the end of the day snapping a photo of the a bowl of (totally unhealthy, and completely processed) mac & cheese.

Then there are days at work that a "Long Timer" got adopted who had been there for ages! Yes, Delta the cat did make my list. He had been at the SPCA for over 2 years! Plus, he was sort of a grumpy pants. So the fact that he got adopted by a loving home was a miracle, and needed to be celebrated!
But then yesterday, there was a stunning blue bird that greeted me upon leaving my house in the morning. That was such a welcome sign of springs' first breath. But it happened so fast, I couldn't pull my phone out fast enough. Missed it, but I was very grateful for it it!

Another "grateful" photo is Kyle helping out around the house, vacuuming. Actually, I could easily fill up my phone with photos of Kyle. He helps so much, and does so much for us. He is a great husband. And really works hard... though I sometimes he feels like he plays videos games harder. Oh well, I guess it is a trade off for such an awesome husband! Plus he can do your taxes. I need to snap a photo of him doing our taxes. That is definitely something I take for granted. Very grateful for this guy.
Day 50's entry:
"Kyle can I snap a photo of you holding our tax return?"
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